Therapy includes castor oil pack, reflexology, and craniosacral therapy.

This treatment is to aid those women who have had trouble in the past trying to conceive, with or without assistance from doctors, or for those who are ready to start a family and would like to provide an ideal environment in which conception is effortless.

This treatment is not intended to replace any traditional medical treatments that the client is receiving, and can be a complement to the current healthcare.

Your appointment starts with a brief consultation with a certified fertility massage specialist. In this treatment, we incorporate one of Edgar Cayce’s remedies, the castor oil pack, to support colon and digestive health by increasing circulation and improving immune function. Cranio-Sacral therapy is added to help balance and align the central nervous system. Foot reflexology stimulates the reproductive reflex points located on the feet. Acupressure will also facilitate the balancing and can allow to open up any blocked channels or meridians. All of these modalities are done in conjunction with a fertility-focused massage, which brings it all together in a 90 minute session.

For best results, three treatments should be done between days 5-12 of a women’s menstrual cycle. This is recommended but not mandatory. Discounts are available for the second and third appointments and can be booked when checking out of the first appointment.

If pregnancy does occur, prenatal massages are recommended.

fertility massage
90 minutes—$160

Holistic Fertility Therapy